Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Newborn Congratulation Message Work Colleague

Fiestas de San Lorenzo:

7, 8, 9 AUGUST:
- 19:30 H. In the Basilica of San Lorenzo, Solemn Triduum in honor of St. Lawrence. Acts: praying the rosary, praying to the Lord Jesus and the Eucharistic celebration, presided over by the priests of the parish. Al final, veneration of the relic of St. Lawrence.

- 21 H. In the Basilica of San Lorenzo, solemn Complete. La preside D. Jesus Sanz Montes of Huesca Obispo. Assist the Municipal Corporation and other officials. The Coral Oscense sing: Choir Ars Nova and Ars Musicae Chorus, accompanied by the Chamber Orchestra of Huesca. Directed by Don Antonio and Don Conrad Betrán Viñuales.

- 7 H. In the Basilica of San Lorenzo, Rosario de la Aurora. It will celebrate Mass at 7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 12:00, 13:00 and 20:00 hours.
- 9:15 H. Departure from the Basilica of San Lorenzo procession, led by the bust of the saint, followed by the dancers, the parish clergy, municipal council, Brotherhood of the Knights of San Lorenzo, Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Miracles and San Lorenzo Martyr mairalesas and Laurentian in general (if jota dresses better, and if not white and green).
At the Cathedral, the procession join the bishop and cathedral chapter, and the authorities of Aragón, Huesca and Tarbes, reaching back to the Basilica of San Lorenzo in the Coso, where he held the Solemn Pontifical Mass, presided over by Bishop D. Jesús Sanz Montes. Act in the Coral
Oscense and Chorus Ars Musicae. The body-Don Conrado Betrán. Diricción: Don Antonio Viñuales.

- 11 H. In the Basilica of San Lorenzo, solemn Mass Cofrades. sing and play the folk group "Santa Cecilia", under the direction of Don Enrique de Osso.

- 19 H. Offering of flowers and fruits of Aragon High San Lorenzo, with folk performances in his honor and final holiday of the Dancers. With flowers and fruits of the offering is built grill that is placed on the facade of the Basilica of San Lorenzo.

- 20 H. Gregorian Mass and Compline, in the eighth for San Lorenzo.


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