Sunday, May 9, 2010

Bridal Makeup Parlour In Manglore

What is coming!

It's all about, sweep floors, clean kitchen, a few dirty pots, clean bathroom, I clean, y. .. little more. For tomorrow is to collect the washing and scrubbed general (which is already months). And all this ... Why?. Because I have seen, loooong visit. Tomorrow will be Mercedes, which has drawn the bonocasajose, and whose bed I have already prepared, but really is as we left 10 days ago. On Thursday comes the Bishop family .... Mendez-Martin say, consists of 4 females of different ages (0, 2, "29" and "30? years). And on Friday, also will be other 3 females Southern, one of whom had the pleasure of sharing the house with me last summer. Therefore, 8 women will go through my house this week has started recently, I was the only man to hold such an onslaught. But do not worry the staff is coldly calculated to accommodate people optimally in the different wings of my house for overnight stay.

Mendez-Martin Family.

On the other hand, I must mention that I attended the wedding of Chus and Armando, where firecrackers were banned over fears infants, the rice was scattered the most popular dining area (note that rice resbabilidad soil increases significantly, to unprecedented heights), there were jacks Extremadura, songs of the bride, raps of his nephews, a bunch of smart people, wine, beer, Coke sweetened, many photographers and many many surprises and excitement. The truth is that the site was lovely, as shown in the accompanying photo.

A lot of people, a lot of elegant people (cheap English "very persons, very elephant persons")

A server and some items had to continue the party at a nightclub Torrejón, go to brand suit the style and trend. And speaking of dress, in the end did not have to buy me one, I served one of my father, and mine ... jacket because yes I was going OK, but the pants are lost (ie where I have been able to stop me.) The only bad thing is that wedding I was a bit touched in the throat and hoarse end, which is one of the worst things that can happen, especially if the next day you've been with people from the university which take months or even years without seeing. I hope to be healthy for the next and be able to express. It is also the worst if you have to work, mostly because people are weak and unresponsive to take advantage of your status and get you vacilarte (Know that if they could speak would dawn, or another Jose / Pepe answer).

Well, as I'm a little tired, I comment on a brief few other things:
  • yes, I know, I write of figs figs and not much, but there will come times of inspiration
  • to add that this also took several days sleeping little and not very well, with a number of reasons for this: MW2, granaína night, the damn pseudoestrés PCRs due to giving more trouble than joy, possible mental health problems and know how many things this weekend I
  • Moving, carrying "The Legendary" cargadita of things from the Zaidín La Zubia, but put "Lips" (someday I will put a picture of the aggressiveness that shows the front of the Vannetta)
  • I put seed in a sterile environment (and do not be evil-minded)
  • they have germinated after 10 days irrigation and surveillance, well, half of them, the other will give a couple of weeks to germinate. The germiandas are planted and waiting to become adults (NOTE: I'm talking about the test for an experiment that we performed with two native shrub species in Sierra Nevada)
  • this week will be rolling brown in the laboratory (or not), but it is disturbing that a laboratory has more computers (And better) than other 4 together
  • Mercedes cooks very well, and it plans to make me a chickpea stew for the week. I will correspond with tacos (but not absent, from the baby)
  • Tuesday took the brushes and paints the drawer and even placed the canvas on the easel
  • Sunday kept the brushes and paints in place, and even I kept folding canvas and easel pictures
  • not evolve or self, therefore, Tuesday to Sunday the canvas, brushes and paints well aerated
  • hope that within a few days to get the paintings back and brushes in the drawer and put the canvas into the easel
  • also hope to have to clean the brush before storing
  • a notice to that gentleman who claims to be taking some breasts that are starting to like him, which is concerned (or should, or at least their relatives ), I have finally written, I feel the delay
  • keep you informed

- Knights


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