Well, although I had planned to publish today, I will. The first words out there a woman associated with a website that "appears" that you have read my blog and liked and put a link to it on your website. Like this? Why the face? "By the face?. No, because I return I had to put a small link on your page that's out here, right, a little hidden. I also want to encourage click on the advertising that comes right to make the euro come to me and they can convidaros a few beers with tapas Granada.Por other hand, this afternoon I was running to process, sort and graph the first batch of results of my research, so tomorrow I'll talk to my boss to see what you think and to ask for items to complete my knowledge of some 50 or 60 species of bacteria that have found (or some less but can not remember the exact number I would afford to exaggerate). If my boss gives me the green light, I must do as other 2 times I did, but with other samples, to end this part of the thesis. I hope nothing will give me problems and to finish it in no more than two months. But the fact that the new building is damn sure he will do evil to me. And I say that is cursed because even though it goes out again and the emergency generators did not function as expected, lifts them out of the stop where ... in my lab no shade and the sun hits us constantly in the evenings, no find a box with DNA samples from CNR (I say if anyone knows where do I know) ... I do not know how many more suffer defects our new building.
I also commented that today has begun at last chemo treatment my mother and all goes well and now have to wait and react, and if all goes well in a couple of months will be free of charge.

So I have the room today, your table, desk, TV, console and computer. I just need some pictures and have a quitaypon table to eat without bending their backs. (Photo tucked just because, apropos of nothing)
And what else ... as little, now I'm supposed to have put on a diet and this Saturday I was the pot (which certainly need one to make purees) and made mashed potatoes for 2 or 3 weeks. I do not know if I'll have to make a kit kat diet to give me a culinary joy.
As plans for the future, this Saturday will go up to dance to see my grandparents, at night I have been invited to a party at a co-worker, on Sunday I want to finish the box that most I show below, the following weekend will go up to Madrid (to see my mother, Angel, Claudia, Alejandra, and parents of both, my father, my brothers, Harvey's birthday and you do not know the more people see) and the other will go down to the Carnival of Cádiz, and the next ... What do I know what I do?, Everything will be!
I also left some advice from those typical of thing happens to the cousin of a friend of mine:
- if you put your arm in a freezer at -80 º C, the glove do not shelter the elbow and arm rest
- unhealthy breathing in sharply near a freezer open and -80 º C
- if you mash note the size of the pan or pot used (or rather, available), because if it is small you will be playing it in two containers
- sun hot, too
- with a sponge and scissors you can make a handy brush (or brush)
- closes the window of your room, if not at night before bed will be very cold (you can fight with a duvet, and I mean a person born in Norway)
- if you see a lot of people looking the other hand, it is best to use your gun with silencer getting closer and go stabgiving
- grenades attached to the weapon you get a little awkward and it's your downfall too often
- mola throw grenades randomly and shoot someone
- recent comments are not for the real world, but for the video game

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