Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bench Fix Salon Hairstyles Male

the effectiveness of staff Spanish!

Thanks to the incompetence of some / s person / s and / or institution (or department thereof), to this day I still see not a single euro of almost two and a half months I've been working. I will not put names, or persons or entities, but I feel great thanks to the lack of professionalism I have to go to my parents in order to keep costs generated by the mere fact of living (food + home + internet ), although the Internet is not a primary need. And the people who've come looking for answers today tells me that will hopefully get paid on day 20, and I worry that when copper will be almost a millionaire ... BE Asshole! Does she like spend 2 or 3 months without pay and then collect it all at once? Does your home or bank allows you to pay the rent or mortgage points every 2 or 3 months? Do you have some sort of agreement with the supermarket in her neighborhood to pay every 2 or 3 months? What if my parents could help me? Would it have to borrow money should not ask because I need money really is mine and what I still do not have? ... I do not make any grace that "little joke" that I will be near-millionaire, right now all I do is run up debts, so hopefully when I have copper out of debt and little else. With any luck I even be able to give a tribute to my first salary as a researcher and for finishing the thesis.
Until then I will continue working so that others do not and have an impact on me. Now call my parents for money. By the way, I think I screwed up at work and I kept it 40 samples of DNA, so I will have to be extracted from the colonies that I have stored. This means that my boss has thrown 300 € to sea and I'll have to spend a couple of days to amend the error. And no, I leave and to use profanity and complain, a few days to see if everything is resolved. Anyway, the director or president or top post of my "company" will receive an e-mail to a thank you, to see if I'm lucky to Finally when that happens, and begin to pay each month because I can not get into his head that needed 2 months to arrange the necessary papers to start charging (and in my case more than 2 months).

(PS: Sorry for sounding bad expressions, but I am pissed)


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