This Saturday marks the event ... Does anyone have a suit I could borrow?. Dejadordetodoparaelultimomomento
Like any good if none of the suits are my brothers and father (or mine I think I will be great) me well, Saturday morning, hours before bodorrio, I guess I will find a suitable dress for this event.
And who gets married?.
Well ... THE INCREDIBLE ARMANDO Like any good if none of the suits are my brothers and father (or mine I think I will be great) me well, Saturday morning, hours before bodorrio, I guess I will find a suitable dress for this event.
And who gets married?.

They met in the scout group (or cult) in which I was active, and love arose. Now, after years of dating, give the big step. It is the third wedding of people from the scouts that I go, and this is where most people probably go sect. I can not even imagine how or where or when we will end the celebration.
What else are you going to do and you're in Madrid?
Not much, I am probably going to party, still do not know who or where, but for now I have a couple of fronts that perhaps unify into one. On Saturday wedding. On Sunday I shall side with the people who had the pleasure or misfortune of putting up with me in my final years of college, when we all thought was zoologists (who tell me that I would become a microbiologist and genetic, with certain organic dyes).
And then rest in Granada?
he who knows, because I will gladly visited by Mercedes, the kinda girl who hates cortilla Lord of the Rings, thinks that the God of War softens the brain and barely knows of phytoplankton. If all goes well, I have in my possession the God of War III, and that means that Monday will give cane to the utmost, and if things get twisted and do not possess this precious treasure, we will be playing stifling the penalties for few tapas bars in Granada there.
you wrote not long ago, What have you been doing these days? Well
after going to Madrid to spend a bachelor party Armando (where we ended up in the hospital because of the curse of the Mendez), I spent a few days off-color by Granada, in which I devoted myself to give a brisk trot to the console, but sometimes did not feel like that. That same week I ordered some "primers" new work, and next week I granted it. After another week testing their effectiveness, I think today I managed to overcome the obstacle that I had a couple of months doing the cinnamon on the job. I hope that in 3 or 4 weeks have already prepared my library of nifH genes and may be giving way to an article publish (and incidentally be taking things for the thesis.) I also have to inform you that in June will go up to Congress on Nitrogen Fixation to be made in Zaragoza, and in which espondré a poster. To bring the poster asking you to summarize it in a couple of pages, which will be published in a book. It seems that my boss was pleasantly surprised by how I wrote, so what is silly silly watching the rough diamond that has fallen into their hands. He also insisted that this week would render the rest of my work group, and after preparing it in just two days (although, a first for me, about a week) I stated and it seems that I did well and liked it so much to my boss as one of the attendees. It is true that I was the clamp and things got more genetic ecology, but ... is what you get. Now I'm a little overwhelmed at work because we're playing a lot of things at once, learning and delving into many fields unknown to us, but I hope that we gradually closed to open other issues and move forward.
Just've been working this time?
Hombreeeeeeeeeeeee!, Of course not!
Last week I visited my parents because my mother gave him the methadone's barracks and as to this weeks did not have to return to mainline it took to make a visit to his homeland. It was a long week of eating, visiting family, that we visit family, lots of laughs, new friendships, ... for that, a non-stop. It has also been a lot of service with the Nintendo DS. Some of my guys already know who's boss, and my cousins \u200b\u200btoo. Even I was in Los Cármenes seeing the Granada win at Roquetas, with the game TOO ultras singing, doing the wave, making the whole stadium shouted in unison ...
I've also been spending too much time on the console, it is true that I have absorbed something. Today I approached a painting studio next door, but the very dogs only open from 6 to 8, so I'll have to try to take willpower to start painting regularly at home and end the massive amount of pictures that I have listed (and four of them started), plus some to decorate my house, and colárselo even one for the boss of the EEZ so they can hang in the center, which is now very transparent.
Got something to say?
Well not much, now should the backpack, but I will tomorrow morning. Although I have a problem, because I have my mobile OS because my parents have manga magazine. I guess I'll have to program the MP4 to get up.
Not going to make a list of notes from those who have no relationship to each other but often give much information?
Well, I say it (because really, though you may not have noticed, I've been all the while talking to myself) I will:
- Mercedes, and I bought spirits and something to nibble, so you see what a good host I am. I've even cleaned up a bit so that the house is habitable.
- Dilemma 1: Why in a week I ended up trashing all the vessels of the house and only one dish?
- Dilemma 2: why in the lab coats are more than people?
- Dilemma 3: Atleti win some title?
- Helena, to see if we stop a little house that I find it easier to contact you Zapatero. I have mono
- diving and beach.
- shortly parapentearé by Sierra Nevada
- Leaving home without a mobile phone is rare, common thing for years. Did they evolve?
- Again for Mercedes, you can visit my lab if you want, and even help with some things.
- zarva, Alhambra on Saturday afternoon, the weekend that you already know.
- Dad, Mom, give me my charger.
- Theory 1: all visitation increases the amount of products stored in the pantry as well in the fridge.
- Theory 2: it is ready knows best, but the most learned (Cobo 2010)
- Theory 3: It's best throw throw sugar coffee cocoa powder.
- still do not know where I've been with the faculty.
- I have not taken the bus fare.
- I still have not showered.
- I have not been the case.
- I have not yet prepared a sandwich for tomorrow.
- I have not eaten.
- I go to sleep.