Wednesday, March 16, 2011

2nd Line Appeared The Next Day On Pregnancy Test

Levante Park

Now we are going to mount a park in Murcia, type New York's Central Park but on the banks of the River Segura and museum gifts, there is na. And I say that I put a set of masks or nose clips to the park entrance is lined, which is not the same walk among the Big Apple or close to our river, especially in summer when fermented like wine.

we're going to rub shoulders with the jet set around the world, if America has the MOMA, here in a corner of Spain we have the MADMAN. You hear the name and think that we speak of any European capital, chacho, that's going to happen in Murcia.

For me, if not for the money it will cost the museum and the park would be thrilled, because the truth that the project has been painted to be good. Will it bring any money? I do not really know, what is certain to be spending a lot. But given that there is only saying something similar in Indianapolis perhaps worthwhile.

have a large park in the city will give us projection as our politicians say that the pier is now too small and with little name. I put a "merry" in the middle of the lawn, like Mary Poppins, give a taste for classical and would excuse to walk with the kids there. What do you would you?

We have to wait a little to get our pulmoncito of fresh air in the city, meanwhile we are going to look for our mountain roads to imagine that we would put there in the middle.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Can You Remove The Carpet In Jeep Wrangler

Dad, baby and night games

The Sixth Sense of men emerges when you're a parent, that what I have more than proven. The women already know they have it there from birth, when they are small they will implement in order to win over parents and give them everything they ask, know very well when and how you have to attack.

as they grow they will aggravating to know very well where they get to know the strategies of men and even to catch them when they get colony if never ever have used it ... there must be .

But its highest point is when you have a child. The mother is sleeping and senses the exact moment of the morning where your child is going to get to mourn, so with a quick motion, like a gazelle on the savannah, my tiny little head is sticking by his mother cuckoo and because he is a rascal, because I have clearly if a girl, but would have two months and with arms outstretched for the catch. A mother senses when hungry, sleep when you are malic and just want to play ... but at the same time for the first and last time it appears the man's sixth sense.

That sense that only use at night. When my wife suspects that the child will mourn what used to stand, since I use it to sleep more soundly. As much as I do not want is full, of course, if men were in charge of feeding the baby at night, the poor would starve. Our only reaction at night to work is to respond to nudge my wife to get me up ... and it has to be strong.

The truth is that the lad helps you sleep better, when you get good is what it is, my dream is deeper to avoid any shock.